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Helen Hammel

Photo of Helen Hammel


Phone: 403-556-3391 Ext 4628

Key Roles

Education:  Bachelor of Education (Math major, French minor) from the University of Alberta.  Master of Education in Leadership and School Improvement from the University of Alberta. 

About Me:  I've lived in the Olds area since 2003.  I have a wonderful husband, two hilarious girls, and a random menagerie of dogs, cats, fish, chickens.  I have taught all Math courses from grade 7 through Calculus, as well as French, Computers, Photography and Finance.  I love my students and am committed to helping them with whatever they need - whether that be extra math help, or just time to chat.  Please contact me with any concerns you might have.  I can't help if I'm not aware of a problem.  And I do want to help.

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