
Awards & Scholarships


  • Explore awards available for learners, apprenticeships, indigenous peoples and by Post-Secondary Institutions
  • Scholarships and awards in this listing are offered by the Government of Alberta and administered by Alberta Student Aid
  • Federal Grants and programs available to learners

Career Hunting Tips

The first step in developing career goals is to assess your own personal characteristics--your skills and interests, your likes and dislikes, and your strengths and weaknesses. You may then match your "profile" to a specific job, or career goal. You may want to identify aspects of your present and past jobs that will help you determine your career goals such as

  • Traits or skills that are required.
  • Aspects of the previous jobs you liked and disliked.
  • Skills you have developed through education, jobs, hobbies, volunteer work, clubs, employee organizations.
  • Training you've had that can be applied to future jobs.
  • Specific areas of your performance appraisals that have been rated above or below satisfactory.
  • Your willingness to relocate or work other than a normal work shift.
  • Personal time and effort you are willing to commit to preparing for career advancement.

Visit ALIS website for job searching.

The following websites are full of information regarding careers, how to choose them, how to plan for a successful future. 

Alberta Learning Information Service The ALIS site contains a wealth of information about careers.  Visit the site for tips on chosing a career.Youth Website - This site is a source for information about programs and services for youth at the community level and beyond.  It contains over 230 programs, services and resources to help you plan your career, find work experience, get a job ect.Career Tips A great website with information specific to Canada