Jason Jackson

Phone: 403-556-3391 Ext 4642
Key Roles
Language is a reflection of how we, as a culture, think, and it is the window through which we see the world. Here is an example:
When you part with someone in English, you would probably say "goodbye". In French, we would say "Au revoir", which literally means "Until we see each other again". It's implied in French that you are absolutely going to see that person again in the future. Where English culture highlights the positive circumstances under which the parting takes place, French culture looks hopefully to the next meeting. Neither perspective is better or worse, but each one results from a different way of looking at the world. In my work here at Olds High School, I hope I will be able to help students understand and appreciate other cultures, as well as give them a new perspective on the world, through the medium of language.